Different packages in Photo Editing Service
As all of you know, Real Estate Photo Editing contains a lot of different techniques with different levels. Depending on each requirement of output photos, there will be specific packages for it. In our Photo Editing service, we divide the packages into 4 separated ones: Basic – Standard – Upper Standard – Premium. The price will be differed according to each package. Our new clients usually get confused with these packages, then today, I write this topic to explain clearly about our packages.

Basic package is applied for single exposure. It means if you have one exposure, then you should choose this Package. Your photos will be processed with the following techniques:
- Sky swap
- Color correction, white balance, Bright & Contrast adjustment
- Flash and tripod reflection removement
- Horizonial and vertical straightening
- Shadow and grass enhancement
Different with Basic package, Standard package is applied for 3 brakets which include one flash shot. It means if you shoot 1 or 2 ambients and 1 flash shot, this package is the most suitable with you. By choosing this plan, your photos will be processed as Basic package but contain more difficult techniques:
- Manual blending
- Wall/ceilings desaturation, noise reduction
- Window pull, sale Sign blurring
- Add TV/PC screen, fire to fire place, candles interior lights

This package contains simillar techniques as Standard package. However, the difference between it is that it is applied for 3 exposures with no Flash shot.
The use of this package is flexible. For example, if you choose Standard package, but you have many extra requirements which need to pay a little extra fee. We will check those requirements and may apply Upper Standard package for it if needed.

This is the highest package in our Photo Editing Service. It contains all the techniques of Photo Editing and some more such as:
+ Remove highlight glare, cord, small sign post, dust…
+ Reduce glare/reflection on all surface
+ Make your photos as the most natural as it can be
+ All the techiques are processed carefully with more time needed
With this package, you will be able to send us as many exposures as you can. We will use all of them to take all the details for your images.
Normally, when a new client comes to us, we ask them to give us a test. A test is not for checking our quality, but also is a way for us to get closer to the clients’ expectation through their feedback. After receiving your feedback, we will know how to fix in our end and will apply it for the next coming jobs. Also through the test, we will be able to suggest you the best price for your photos.
Hope this article is clear enough for your confusion regarding to our different packages. If you still have any concerns, feel free to contact us: cs@beatcolor.com