Real Estate Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images

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Real Estate Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images

By Amy Nguyen 17/12/2019

Selling a residential or commercial property can be a challenging process. Most property owners hire real estate professionals to help them out. Trying to handle both listing and marketing a property without this professional help can lead to lots of problems.

Property buyers want to know everything they can about a home or commercial building. This includes things like the average energy bill and what the property looks like both inside and out. While you can find information about energy rates on a website like EnergyBot, getting pictures of the property can be more challenging.

Working with an experienced real estate photographer is a good idea, but what if you want to shoot the house yourself? No worries, with a camera with a good setting for real estate photoshoot, you overcome a half way. To finish with the best photos of your home, check out the photo editing techniques below.

Removing Unnecessary Objects From the Photos

Real Estate Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images
Chandelier Removal

One of the main goals you should have when taking pictures of your property is highlighting the attributes it has. If you are taking interior photos of the property, it will usually result in a number of unnecessary items being put into the frame. Instead of leaving these objects in the photo, you need to remove them with top-notch photo editing software.

If the picture in question shows the homes bordering your property, then removing them is vital. Buyers only want to see what your property has to offer. If there are too many distractions in the picture, it will lose its ability to attract and inform a buyer. With minimal editing, you will have no problem fixing this issue.

Don’t Forget About Color and Brightness Correction

Real Estate Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images

The first thing a buyer will notice about the photos of your property is just how appealing they are. Some property owners make the mistake of publishing photos that are far too bright and abrasive. If the photos in question are extremely bright, it will usually lead to the fine details you are trying to showcase disappearing.

When companies like Instapainting receive photos from clients, they correct both the color and brightness before turning them into works of art. Taking this concept and applying it to your pictures is crucial. Focusing on adjusting tone, sharpness, contrast and color can help you turn a regular looking photo into something really special. If you are not comfortable adjusting these levels on your own, working with seasoned photo editing professionals is a good idea.

Pay Attention to the Sky in Your Photos

Sky Replacement
Sky Replacement

Most property owners have to take pictures of a home or commercial building when they can fit it in. If these pictures happen to be taken on a relatively cloudy and gloomy day it can affect the overall appeal the photos have. Instead of leaving the sky in your photos dark and gloomy, you need to add in a bit of blue sky.

Most photo editing programs will allow you to brighten up and add blue to the sky that appears in your pictures. If the sky behind an outdoor shot of a home is blue and clear, the colors of the property will look more vibrant. Ideally, you want the pictures of your property to be as appealing as possible. Potential buyers will be more impressed with photos that feature picturesque backdrops. With a bit of time and some professional help, fixing imperfections in your real estate photos will be a breeze.

Getting Rid of Pixel Density Errors

The biggest enemy you will have when taking pictures of your property is low light. Pictures taken in low light will usually have hazy dots and other imperfections. This is usually caused by errors in pixel density.

The only way to remove these imperfections is with the right photo editing software. Leaving these imperfections in place will affect your ability to attract motivated buyers.

Allow Professionals to Help Out

If you don’t have the time, equipment or experience to edit your photos, hiring a professional real estate photo editor is a good idea to save the cost. The price for outsourcing editing is not too much comparing to hire a professional photographers. These professionals will have no problem getting the attractive photos you need to entice potential buyers.

Finally, we hope these photo editing techniques listed here can help you have an idea of what you should do with your photos

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