


Welcome to the BeatColor Blog, your go-to resource for insights and expert advice in real estate photo editing. Discover industry trends, tips, and tutorials that help you elevate your property images. Whether you're a real estate agent, photographer, or editor, our blog provides valuable content to enhance your skills and keep you ahead in the market.

How To Make A Real Estate Video Go Viral

By Amy Nguyen 09/07/2020 0 Comments
Without a doubt, real estate video is the best way to attract more potential clients to your house. However, successfully filming and editing a real estate video are just a halfway to get full benefits from it.  The rest will depend on how you distribute the video to your target audience. And in today's article,...

Virtual Staging For Real Estate : All You Need To Know

By Amy Nguyen 04/07/2020 0 Comments
Home staging is proven to boost sales when it comes to selling houses, especially empty houses. Unfortunately, to do physical home staging, it is very expensive and time consuming. And Virtual Staging was born as a formidable technological advancement in home staging techniques. It allows real estate agents to easily, inexpensively, and quickly turn an...

Important Virtual Staging Rules

By Sam Phung 25/06/2020 0 Comments
When it comes to real estate marketing tools, home staging is considered at the top of the listing. It is because buyers often find it hard to imagine how their life will be in an empty house. If you show a warm and inviting space, they are more likely to make a purchase for it....

Why Can “Flambient” Method Make Your Real Estate Photography Beautiful?

By Sam Phung 09/06/2020 0 Comments
As the name suggests, it is a method of real estate photography that combines flash and ambient shots in photos. It is a new method but had the fastest growth thanks to its outstanding benefits. That’s is how most our clients apply if they want to highlight the best features of properties, adding color, contrast,...

Check out Top Virtual Staging Software for Real Estate Photos in 2020

By Sam Phung 06/06/2020 0 Comments
Among real estate photographers and agents, although it is a new trend in selling houses, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the virtual staging method that has been proved to help enhance the sales, becoming one of the most used marketing tools. In this article, we would like to share with you the...

Panaroma Image Stitching Service From BeatColor

By Amy Nguyen 28/05/2020 0 Comments
Visual effect is the key thing in selling home. Understand it, real estate agents always try to create new visual effects to be outstood from the competitors. In real estate market recently, panorama photos have been becoming a new trend thanks to the ability to capture entire scene in single picture. And in this today...

Real Estate Video Marketing – Essential Things You Should Know

By Amy Nguyen 20/05/2020 0 Comments
Video has been becoming the best marketing tool today. Thanks to the development of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, sharing and distributing videos to more and more people is much easier than ever. Furthermore, we are living in the digital technology era, almost people have smartphone equipped with a camera. Shooting a...

How To Shoot HDR Real Estate Photography In 6 Steps

By Amy Nguyen 12/05/2020 0 Comments
If you are real estate photographers, you may be familiar with HDR technique which is considered the fastest way to get great looking real estate photos. And if you are beginners, in this article today, we will introduce to you 6 steps to shoot HDR Real Estate Photography so that you can produce the best...

Drone for Real Estate Agents: When and Why Should Use?

By Amy Nguyen 06/05/2020 0 Comments
Being a real estate agent, definitely you always want to invest less but get more profit. To do that, you should be sensible with the market, always stay abreast with the latest trends in real estate marketing. Do you know that there is an emerging trend in shooting real estate photography, which is using Drone...

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